Conference interpreters only accept assignments in fields where they have sufficient knowledge and experience. They continue to attend trainings, and learn to improve themselves and acquire new skills throughout their professional life.

The conference interpreter is under an obligation not to pass on information, documents, and the like to third parties. This obligation continues even after the end of the assignment.

The meeting organiser entrusts his/her work to several specialists. One of these is the conference interpreter. Knowing that the interpreters will always come to work prepared, at the agreed time and in accordance with the requirements of the job is invaluable for the meeting organiser.

As one of our founders, beloved Hasan Akbelen, said in a training session many years ago, referring to an Italian proverb; when it rains, everyone gets wet. Conference interpreting is teamwork. At work and outside of work, we always act in solidarity.

The conference interpreter requests all kinds of documents such as agendas, programmes and presentations related to the meeting he/she is assigned to before the meeting and makes the necessary technical and terminological preparations. He/she acts in harmony with the environment as a part of the team in every event he/she is assigned to.

The conference interpreter conveys the content of the interpreted text accurately and completely, even if this does not match his/her personal beliefs on philosophical, political, religious and other issues.

These values are also included in our Membership Oath in the TKTD Statutes:
Responsible for ensuring communication between people who do not speak the same language,
I pledge on my honour that I will faithfully convey the content of the speech I am obliged to translate to the best of my ability, even if it is contrary to my personal thoughts or beliefs; that I will not use confidential information that I may access during my service for my personal benefit and will not communicate it to third parties; that I will be in a relationship of cooperation and solidarity with my colleagues and that I will comply with all Professional Ethical Rules.