I) General Assembly
ıı) Board of Directors
ııı) Board of Auditors
ıv) Board of Ethics
v) Admissions Committee
I) General Assembly
The General Assembly of the Association is composed of full members who do not owe any dues. Senior members, pre-candidates and candidate members may attend the General Assembly without the right to vote. The General Assembly convenes every three years, at the latest by the end of December, at the invitation of the Board of Directors at the headquarters of the Association.
II) Board of Directors
The Association shall be managed by the Board of Directors consisting of a President, six full members and five substitute members elected by secret ballot for a period of three years at the General Assembly meeting among its members. The Board of Directors shall elect a Vice President, a Secretary and a Treasurer at its first meeting to be organised within one week following its election. The same person cannot be elected as a full member of the Board of Directors for more than two consecutive terms. Other members of the Board of Directors shall be authorised according to the subjects and duties to be determined.
III) Board of Auditors
The Board of Auditors shall be elected by the General Assembly by secret ballot for a term of three years with three full and three substitute members. The Board of Auditors examines the income and expenditure books, receipts and document files of the Association at intervals not exceeding one year and submits the results of the audit in a report to the Board of Directors and to the General Assembly when it convenes.
IV) Board of Ethics
The Board of Ethics consists of three full and one substitute member (one of whom is the chairperson) elected by secret ballot by the General Assembly for three years in order to resolve conflicts that may arise among the members of the Association, to decide on the application of various sanctions to members who act contrary to professional ethics and working principles, or to recommend to the Board of Directors that they be removed from membership if necessary. For membership of the Board of Ethics, one must have been a member of the Association for at least 7 years. The working methods and principles of the Board are determined by regulation.
V) Admissions Committee
It consists of five full and two substitute members (one of whom is the chairperson) elected by secret ballot by the General Assembly for a period of three years in order to measure the conference interpreting skills and proficiency levels of candidates who wish to become members of the Association and report them to the Board of Directors; to determine the language combination and proficiency levels of the members of the Association and to continuously monitor their professional competence; and to discuss complaints from real and legal third parties regarding the work of the conference interpreters who are members of the Association. Members of the Admissions Committee must have been members of the Association for at least 7 years.